
FTR Mark-to-Market Analysis Tool

Evaluate your portfolio's mark to market value or analyze other participants' mark.


Source-Sink zone


Flow Month


Buy Auction

Our tool provides in-depth analysis of the mark to market value of the MISO FTR Auction whole market position. Break it down by market participants, source/sink zone, bid price levels, buying auctions and much more to understand where the market is marked up or down.

Get To Know About Our Features


Comprehensive Data Representation

We cover the whole MISO FTR Auction data. From history to current and from participants with 0.1 MW to the largest holder. Visualize the data with our interactive tables and charts.


Advanced Calculations

Our tool simplifies tracking PnL for you by providing the Original Mark (marked from original buy price) or New Mark (marked from last auction).


Historical Data

Turn the wheel back and check how the market mark value changed in history auction over auction.


Customizable Reports

Generate customizable reports to suit your specific needs. Choose between various data formats and visualization options to get the information that matters to you.


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